Fast Diet Or A Healthy Diet?

If you want to reduce your weight, then the recommended healthy weight is half to 1 pounds every week.

Dietary changes suddenly to lose weight rapidly risky get you experiencing health problems. Unhealthy endeavor also did not allow the sustainable lifestyle changes aimed at keeping the stability of ideal body weight in the long term.

Up to half a pound every week is the amount of the recommended weight loss. Half a pound of fat contains approximately 3,500 calories. Then reduce to half a pound everey week, you need to burn 3,500 calories at least every week or 500 calories each day.
Fast Diet Or A Healthy Diet?

Quick Diet Risk

Fast weight loss tend not to last long. In addition, the person who removes the weight quickly will be at risk of experiencing health problems:

Body weakness and fatigue

People who want to lose weight quickly, usually packed in the amount less or even not eating. These conditions make the body lack of calories, so easy to limp and exhausted. The person's productivity will also decrease.

Nutritional deficiencies

The body needs carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fat, and protein in the ideal amount in order to function properly. But when it wants to rapid weight goes down, You will tend to reduce or even eliminate some nutrients such as carbohydrates and fats. When your body needs all the elements so that the body remains healthy and is not vulnerable to illness.

Weight loss fast fat back

Fast diet does not give the body a chance to burn large amounts of calories. Whereas to achieve results that can last a long time, the necessary lifestyle changes gradually and comprehensive, ranging from sports to the arrangement pattern of eating. Quick diet makes the food you consume is not burning to the maximum so that the weight of the body back up.

Destruction of muscle tissue

Diet has undertaken with extreme and fast, is not actually burn fat, but burn the body so that the muscles become damaged muscle tissue.

Other body disorders

Some diseases that can attack due to the side effects of rapid diet, among other things, headaches, constipation, hair loss, and irregular menstruation.

Diseases that may occur

Quick diet that continuously can cause serious disease risk, among others:
  • Gallstones: occurred in 1-2 of 10 people who have lost large amounts of weight in a few months.
  • Electrolyte imbalance in the body.
  • Dehydration.

Mistakes are Often Made When Dieting

The following are some of the habits that are often done in a quick diet that can be detrimental to your health:

Leave the main meals

Research proves that people who regularly eat morning, noon, and night was more possible to maintain ideal body weight. Breakfast containing enough fiber and protein can keep you feeling full until lunch time. But skipped the main food makes you tend to eat a lot of snacks in between meals.

Underestimate the content of snack food

Have you ever noticed approximately how many calories are contained in a bag of potatoes, and make a piece of cake? The total amount could exceed the calories you should be consuming. Check out the nutrition label on food packaging can help you estimate the number of calories consumed.

Not at all, consuming snacks

Eating a high-calorie snack food indeed at risk make the diet failed. But it turns out that if a snack that's kind of healthy and low-calorie thus getting people away from hunger and better able to maintain ideal body weight. Protein-rich snacks such as almonds can keep the body's metabolism remain to work optimally.

Drinking too many calories

People doing fast diet tend to avoid the consumption of high-calorie foods. Instead, they consume more beverages sweet. Whereas a certain number of calories in beverages like coffee with cream and soda is actually not losing much compared to food. In addition, these drinks will make the stomach feel hungry so that in the end you need to eat more.

Less drinking mineral water

Some people think that drinking mineral water makes the body into fat. But the most important element is the mineral water in calorie burning. Drink at least eight glasses every day will increase your metabolic rate.

Measure body weight daily

If the weight of your body down in a matter of days, it will most likely bring down is the water content in the body. But not fat. Rather than a daily measure of weight, try to focus more on long-term goals such as a target of eliminating half pounds in time 1-2 week.

Setting unrealistic goals

In addition to frustrating because the desire is not reached, set to lose weight up to 5 pounds a week can make you intend doing anyways, including unhealthy ways to achieve it.  Stress because the target is not achieved precisely can trigger You to eat more

How To Healthy Diet

Basically a healthy diet is about managing eating patterns, including choosing the types of foods that should be consumed. A healthy diet is when all of the nutrients your body needs can be met.

A few simple steps which can be a guide:

Specify a healthy goal each week.

Small and simple goal is worth it is important as a step towards a sustainable lifestyle change. In addition, setting realistic goals is routinely and successfully fulfilled it will make you feel positive. For example, if you like eating fried foods every day, set not to eat it within a week. Instead, eat a healthy distraction such as dried fruit.

Active moves.

For starters, you don't need to exercise regularly to stay feeling fit. Do something that you like so that these activities can be carried out repeatedly like futsal playing with friends or biking with your family. Schedule a sports body in the morning before the start of activity is a great way for those of you who find it difficult to take the time. Try to exercise at least 2-3 hours per week.

Reduce food packaging.

Limit eating food in packaging, fast food, junk food and fried foods. These types of foods contain lots of calories, preservatives and salt.

Select foods that are processed in a certain way.

Better eat the food that is processed by means of steamed or boiled rather than fried in hot oil. The food is steamed or boiled in the not too long to have a more complete nutritional content than fried foods. Meanwhile, fried foods contain calories and saturated fat.

Reset the food on your plate.

Fill a third of the food on the plate with the meat without fat, fish, or poultry. Try to multiply the amount of fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Select the type of the source of a healthy carbs such as brown rice or potatoes. Eating fruits that are not too sweet as apples, tomatoes and Avocados.

Start and continue good habits.

The following simple habits can give great benefits if done consistently for a long time:
  • Regular drinking of mineral water.
  • Do not skip meals.
  • Multiply eat vegetables so you feel full longer.
  • Avoid buying or save high-calorie snacks at home.
  • Regular sport.
  • Eat calmly while sitting at the dinner table and not while working.

That's the information about fast diet or a healthy diet that can I share to you all. May be useful and thank you for your attention

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